Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Resolutions and goals

According to the people in my life who pay attention to such things, resolutions are the more vague, general ideas, while goals are specific, achievable things. Here are some. (Yes, it's late, but so is everything right now. See Resolution #1.)

1. I resolve not to get annoyed because I did not accomplish today everything I hoped to accomplish in the upcoming week, year, or lifetime.
2. I resolve not to worry about problems that cannot possibly occur for at least five more years.
3. I resolve to enjoy what I have instead of saving it all for some unattainable future.

1. Always use decorative notepads when writing grocery lists. I keep receiving these, and is anyone likely to hope for a giant collection of carrot notepads when I die? I think not. Might as well use them up now, and if I run out, I can use the plain paper then. (See Res. 3.)
2. Get out some of the new dishtowels I got for my wedding instead of continuing to use the ragged ones I've been using for the last five years. (See Res. 3.)
3. Learn how to fry an egg. I can boil them, poach them, scramble them, and fling them against the wall, but I can't fry them. Time to learn.
4. Clean out all the closets in the house. (And not get annoyed if it takes all year. See Res. 1.)
5. Get published somewhere new.
6. Get a working internal-day schedule and working monthly/quarterly schedule for less regular household tasks.
7. Create adequate processes so that the desks get cleared off and stay cleared off.

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