Friday, February 08, 2008


I've seen it a place or two that the years of lowest marital satisfaction are while raising small children. Aha! I thought. Here is the secret of the unparalleled levels of Duchy bliss. We've never had it any better. Except for a few jet-lagged weeks after the wedding, producing and raising small children is all we've known. And since we lived several thousand miles apart before the wedding, any day on which we end in the same room counts as good. Just think, it might even get better someday.

The first part of the week was the pinched-nerve-in-the-back fiasco that left me whining all day and whimpering all night. Pre-labor was less painful. And quieter. But a trip to the chiropractor and some hot baths seem to have fixed it. Underneath it all I had the feeling that morning sickness had finally begun to drift away, but I was in too much pain to tell, and DOB was back to taking his turn hobbling back and forth doing all the carrying.

So the last part of this week has given me the chance to enjoy a lot of new luxuries. Cooking and eating an entire meal and liking it. Taking the kids outside. Walking a couple of blocks without collapsing. I'm still not able to do all the necessities (our dishes and clean laundry wait for kindly passersby) but at this stage a few luxuries are more important than some necessities. A little bit of new decor. An extra story and game with the kids. Stuff that makes us stop and think, Hey, we're alive! It's good!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Thanks for reminding me of the luxuries. We're waiting to dig out from an onslaught of a nasty virus. I'm thankful that I'm on th way up as my husband is on the way down. By the way, on first read of this post, I thought your husband was crying not carrying. "and DOB was back to taking his turn hobbling back and forth doing all the carrying." That would be kind of him. Take care!