Saturday, June 28, 2008

Another Try

My doula suggested that visiting the zoo was a good way to jump start labor. Not only did you have all the walking around, but the animal hormones in the air seemed to encourage things. With 39 weeks closing in and the babies edging closer to 8 lbs apiece (!) I am ready to try almost anything. But not castor oil. Not yet.

We were too cheap and tired to do a full zoo visit, so we went to see the farm animals at a county park. I had pineapple and raspberry leaf tea for breakfast. I walked around the animal pens, inhaling deeply (it smelled more like manure than hormones to me, but you never know).

Then, for good measure, we took care of some much-needed shopping: a booster seat for D1, a pair of "Uncle Steve" shoes (knock-off Crocs) for D2, whose feet have grown too wide to fit in the lovely leather sandals I picked up for him at a yard sale last summer. Then groceries and fabric store, to get fabric to try this. For two babies. Somehow.

Every time we passed a small baby, I pointed out to D3 and D4 how blissful existence in the outer world was. Unless the small baby wasn't looking too blissful, in which case I moved quickly on.

Now my feet hurt. DOB is passed out on the couch.

Still no labor. Does it really have to be the zoo?

D1 and D2 certainly had a good time, though.


Anonymous said...

You don't know me but I read your blog esp. since I've found out you're having twins! 17 months ago, I had twin girls, so it's exciting to keep up with how you're doing. My water broke at 38 weeks and I thought I was doing good! I hope you have them asap though as I know how uncomfortable it can be at the very end. Take care!

Steve said...

His knock-off Crocs are still walkin'
round the house or even the block, in
rain or in shine
they work without tyin'.
For geekness, try putting a sock in.

CappuccinosMom said...

Well, you sure are hanging on to those kiddos. ;) You must have the super-deluxe model womb, and they just want to stay! I don't suppose they're hoping to beat the recent twin record of a total of 23 lbs? :p

Soon, soon, hopefully without any castor oil or zoo trips. Wishing you all the best!

Rachelle said...

June babies, June. You need to be born in JUNE. Hmm... We'll see.

Carrie said...

Hmm. So we just got internet and yours was the first blog I checked.

But you posted Saturday and it's Monday.

So I'm hopeful (for your sake).

I'm sorry not to have missed any grand announcements. =)