Friday, April 04, 2008


Today I got my requested packet from the California State Bar on resigning my membership. Mostly it consisted of dire warnings about how difficult it is to regain membership (almost as difficult as getting it in the first place, but not quite) and how their inactive bar dues ($115 a year) are really quite, quite reasonable all things considered, since you enjoy all the benefits of being a member except being allowed to practice law. (I'm not sure what those other benefits were, except getting the very dull bar journal and having a little card to carry around.)

I still plan to resign. I never was all that interested in practicing law (as opposed to theorizing about law, which fortunately doesn't require a license). California is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. And $115 a year to keep a token membership seems too high. I'll keep my Washington license, which ought to cover me if I ever get an unforeseeable urge to turn back into a lawyer.

It feels kind of weird to toss out something I worked so hard for, though. Now that pretty license is just a wall decoration.


Carrie said...

Well, you can keep your old card as a consolation prize also, I guess. I still have my "student in good standing" card. Makes me feel good. So long as no one notices that I ceased in good standing in 2001.....

Queen of Carrots said...

I think I already gave the card to D1 to use as a credit card.

Amy K said...

I can totally understand. I think it's outrageous they make you pay all that money to NOT practice law ... Nice pay off for working so hard vs. sitting around and eating bon bons.

Anonymous said...

It's probably hard for them to imagine you've found something more important to do!