Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Baby's First Field Trip

Yesterday we visited the National Museum of the United States Air Force with His & Her Majesty. It is the ideal museum: it's within an hour of home (for us), it's really cool, and it's free. (Except for the IMAX, but I never heard of anywhere that let you see the IMAX for free.) Under such circumstances, we didn't feel too bad that we only wound up with a couple of hours to go through it, especially after waiting for them to have a motorized cart available, so we had to take it in at warp speed.

This was the first time we tried anything of the sort with D1--and she even preceded it by consuming her first real restaurant meal under her own steam, though she did let me order for her. They didn't have toddler-sized silverware either. We were glad someone else was going to clean up the floor after she was done.

She seemed to enjoy it surprisingly well, even the IMAX movie. For whatever reason she doesn't startle at sudden noises, and she got very excited and would start flapping her arms whenever she saw birds on the screen. She wasn't as impressed with the airplanes, though. She napped most of the way through the exhibit hall.

I must be transforming into "mother" role pretty seriously. I go to a cool museum and all I can remember to talk about is how the kids handled it. Having gotten over the hump of trying it once, though, I'm more optimistic about actually learning something next time.

Also, next time we're taking a picnic and making a day of it.

Oh, and although I remembered the camera, I forgot to check if the batteries were charged. So no pictures. I'm going to have to get better than this before we need school records.

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