Saturday, January 21, 2006

We Return Again (Because apparently I've used that title before)

We are moved. We have internet service as of today. We also have the sound system hooked up and the dishes put away. Besides that, it's boxes.

Our address is different, our phone number is different, and now our email seems to have gotten lost, too.

Don't be too hasty with congratulations, as the house has not sold yet. We mean to get back to that one of these days. Right now DOB is busy getting going with his new job and I am busy trying to reconstruct my old one. He's having fun. I'm not . . . yet.

More later . . .


Anonymous said...

Yeah, but still - congratulations on the start of normalcy (part 2).

Rose said...

How on earth can you remember what titles you've already used? I live in mortal fear that I'm going to accidentally repeat a title and I haven't been blogging as long as you have.

Queen of Carrots said...

The secret is, my computer automatically lists titles I've already used in a drop down box as I type. Maybe it's the version of Internet Explorer I have or something.