Saturday, November 09, 2013

A post!

I am in a fair way to beat out 2011 for Year with Fewest Blog Posts. But I'll try to make it a close contest. I can at least manage a picture.

Costumes: Fireman, Cowgirl, Pirate, and Pioneer Girl. We even managed to go trick-or-treating this year, causing the kids to dub it the best Halloween ever, since the last time we managed that the twins were babies.

And then they picked out our favorite kinds of candies and gave out of their bounty. There's nothing like a free peanut butter cup to make you feel like you're doing something right.

Earlier in the week, I portrayed Katy Luther at church for Reformation Sunday. With some coaching from Her Majesty, I managed to convince everybody that I actually knew how to speak German, even though it was my first attempt ever. (Mostly I followed the classic advice, "If you don't know how to say a word, say it loud!")


Diary of an Autodidact said...

Also, the corollary for musicians: If you are going to play in a rest, make sure it is confident and with good tone. ;)

Duke of Burgundy said...

Even adjusted for the shortened time frame of the Duchy not being officially christened until September 6, your year with the least posts is still 2003. And I doubt you're going to beat that one.